In a world wrought with sordid lies, And a plethora of alibies Chrystal illusions of compromise Woven with threads of Self-infringement Disenfranchisement Disenchantment, Disentitlement Amongst the death throes of principalities, Political whitewash, And random borders Painted with dust and sparkles. Where the ground crumbles and grumbles Beneath our weight, We find ourselves with one foot Planted on the earth That lurches with every surge Of public opinion and silver-tongued rhetoric Spoken by narcissistic evangelists And self-appointed demigods. While the other foot hesitantly seeks Purchase in heaven. We need to shift our weight. We are called to shift our weight. We are mandated to shift our weight. That foot in heaven Should be the source of Our stability, Not the foot planted in Sordid soil and malicious mud. That step. carved from solid rock At the base of heaven Supported on the tenets And precepts Of our loving, merciful, and gracious God, Is far more stable Than the ground and earth that alternates, undulates and disintegrates Beneath us. Shift your weight and Commit to the rock That will not break That will not shake That will not quake But pulls you forward Into the kingdom Of righteous stability. Anchored in the blood Of Jesus Christ. Shift your weight, my children Shift your weight Rev Walt |