Yesterday passed With only a whisper As you step into A future That begins today. You can never change Your yesteryears, The sun has set Leaving those days Cast in stone, Unalterable to the Winds and waves of time. But tomorrow awaits, Today a step towards What will be Tomorrow’s history. Another chance To make […]
Category: Poetry
Celebrate the Gift
Image by Greg Altmann CELEBRATE THE GIFT Celebrate! Not a flyweight of a date, But a free state Of liberation, The annotation of another year Marked by your creation date! May the lessons of years past Bring wisdom to years yet to come. May the friends that embrace you The love ones that grace you […]
My Muses
God sends me muses. Hidden faces From secret places That make my heart race In an attempt to capture Elusive thoughts Of non-conformity, Making deformity The norm. No angels here. Just raw, gritty, sometimes witty Whimsical outspoken Purveyors of naked truth. Windows into a world That seeks only to shut them out. Everyday souls Spouting […]
Sisyphus Engaged
Beep, beep, beep, beep, Ptshshshshshshshshshsh. Beep, beep, beep, beep, Ptshshshshshshshshshsh. The hushed whisper of oxygen Driven into my lungs, Syncs the dance Between machine and body. Frazzled, harried hardware, Click, whiz, whir, ping – Broken body, Endless pain, Making me tired. So very, very tired. Scorching, blazing Chest on fire, my soul desire To breathe […]
Dashing Into Shadows
The Scent of Rain
Nothing does more To encourage hope In a despondent soul Than the fresh scent of rain. As the dirt, grime and impurities Of industry and corporate waste Are leached from the air And dragged to the earth By droplets and mist In an effort to erase The transgressions of humankind Propagated on the very garden […]
Singing at the Table
I Still Believe in Love
The alarm disturbs Our treasured sleep And we hit snooze Until it’s too late To participate. How frustrating it must be For Him to witness Our apathy. He worked for Three hard, long years To teach us how to live. He fed the hungry, Encouraged the meek, Healed the sick, Lifted the broken, Ate with […]
A Path Made Clear
Walking on a well-worn path With confidence I stride O’er the top of a pleasant hill The sky stretched far and wide Into a sun-drenched valley Filled with goldenrod and birches Where finches fly and sparrows cry And I find the path diverges To the East the path is clean and clear Overgrown, a path […]
I Have Seen the Face of Heroes
Sixty-Six Times
SIXTY-SIX TIMES Sixty-six times around the sunNavigating orbitsSun, moon, starsThe clockwork universeTicking off the years,A blink in the eye of God.Blessed beyond measureBy the lives that have intersectedCrossed my orbitAnd shed light on my confusion.God’s grace empowering meTo become that tool that He needsTo be His hands and feetIn a world so in need ofLight, Love […]