Category: Writing


Disbelief and distrust is common in the world the inhabit. We struggle to know who we can trust when our senses deceive us. If we can’t see it, feel it, hear it, touch it, or smell it we are tempted to believe that it does not exist. And often, knowing that the air is invisible, […]


“Where’s the evidence?” I yelled to the wind. “Though you roar I can’t see you, Though you chill my skin I can’t taste you. I hear your whisper And I can’t find you.” “Can you see the breeze Or swaying of trees?” The wind replied. “Can you see the clouds Move and undulate Across the […]

Lessons from the Table

Lessons that we can learn from the table of our Lord to give us a deeper understanding of the gift of communion. Not one of the disciples came to the table with a clean spirit. They bickered and they fought. Their intentions were often selfish. But Jesus welcomed them to the table. He expects no […]

A Lesson from Judas

The unkempt man wearing a soiled and torn dark hoodie had just entered the restaurant door and was speaking with the young hostess stationed at her podium. “Yes, mam,” he spoke quietly.  “I am here to meet a friend.  He is saving me a place at his table.” “Can you tell me the name on […]

Singing at the Table

SINGING AT THE TABLE When God parted the sea And allowed His children to pass Moses and Miriam led the people in song A hymn of victory Over the Egyptians And the salvation of God’s people Sing praises to God, sing praises; sing praises to our King, sing praises. (Psalms 47:6) In praise And in […]

We Never Seem to Learn

I am constantly amazed that we, as a people, have lessons that we cannot seem to learn.  Even those lessons that come at a high cost both financially as well as the suffering and loss of human lives.  I am afraid that I may bruise a few egos.   I would like to say up front […]

I Still Believe in Love

My love for humanity has: Hurt me Blinded me Left me Changed me Defeated me Bludgeoned me Moved me Cut me Filled me Built me up Torn me down Deserted me Left me hanging And challenged me at every turn. God’s love for me has: Lifted me Held me Saved me Warmed me Spilled over […]

Giving or Re-appropriation

Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.” Luke 6:38 I sometimes feel that we have lost our understanding of giving; that the term giving has taken […]

Divine Opportunites (series)

God places opportunities in our path to enrich our souls. So often we only see the opportunities for selfish gain, but there are many opportunities that provide us with growth and a path to improve our relationship with our Creator. In this study we examine four of these opportunities that will encourage a greater communion […]


The alarm disturbs Our treasured sleep And we hit snooze Until it’s too late To participate. How frustrating it must be For Him to witness Our apathy. He worked for Three hard, long years To teach us how to live. He fed the hungry, Encouraged the meek, Healed the sick, Lifted the broken, Ate with […]

Example Jesus

If you are angry             Wash someone’s feet If you are thirsty             Give someone drink If you are hungry             Give someone bread If you are grieving             Meet someone’s need If you are hurt             Bind someone’s wounds If you are tired             Lift someone’s soul If you are lonely             Touch someone’s […]

A Path Made Clear

Walking on a well-worn path With confidence I stride O’er the top of a pleasant hill The sky stretched far and wide Into a sun-drenched valley Filled with goldenrod and birches Where finches fly and sparrows cry And I find the path diverges To the East the path is clean and clear Overgrown, a path […]

A Voice

I am not a voice for politics I am a voice for Jesus Democrat or Republican I am your brother. We stand a nation divided Not because of our beliefs Not because of our wealth Not because of our color We stand a nation divided Because we refuse to break bread together Because we refuse […]

Feed My Sheep

I said I was tired I said I was scarred I said I was empty I said it was hard And Jesus said, “Feed my Sheep.”   I said I was sick In shame hid my face I said I was worthless Used up and disgraced  And Jesus said, “Feed my Sheep.”   I said […]

The Gold Coin

When Mandy was only 5 years old, her dad started giving her a gold dollar on each of her birthdays.  She would get other presents, dolls, skates, a bicycle, but the present that she always looked forward to the most was that moment when her dad would pull her aside, reach into his pocket, and […]

I Have Seen the Face of Heroes

I have seen the face of heroes I have heard their silent screams I cry for all their emptiness That manifests in dreams.   Amidst the pain and sorrow, Grief, and major loss They overcome their own despair By the power of the cross..   And heal the souls around them Touch their fevered brows […]

Energy Source

Having a background in theatre, I learned long ago how important it is for the cast and crew of a production to draw energy from an audience.  It really is a symbiotic relationship.  The cast and crew give energy to the audience and the audience gives energy back to the cast and crew.  They feed […]

Sixty-Six Times

SIXTY-SIX TIMES Sixty-six times around the sunNavigating orbitsSun, moon, starsThe clockwork universeTicking off the years,A blink in the eye of God.Blessed beyond measureBy the lives that have intersectedCrossed my orbitAnd shed light on my confusion.God’s grace empowering meTo become that tool that He needsTo be His hands and feetIn a world so in need ofLight, Love […]

Great Consternations (series)

There are times when we face what seem to be contradictions in the scripture and in our lives. There is truth in the fact that God gave us a mind of inquisitiveness. He wants us to ask questions. He wants us to seek answers. He wants us to find ways to come closer to Him […]

Of Ships and Souls

I have driftedAmidst languid groansOf wooden shipsWith rhythmic tones,Creaking timberedBeams and bonesWhispered notesAnd anecdotesCadence set by ocean swellsAnd harmonies of distant bells. The melody ofWood on woodShould never beMisunderstoodThe moaningClothed in solitudeBurnished coalsOf ships and soulsMy table strewn with wine and bread,The wind my song, the stars my bed. There’s comfort foundWhen pulled awayFrom restive thoughts,And restless […]