Author: Walt Wellborn

Worship with Praise

2/6/2020                                                                                             Rev. Walt Wellborn Psalms 95:6 “Come, let us bow down in worship, let us kneel before the Lord our Maker;” (NIV) I want to challenge your perception of worship.  Worship is a state of mind.  Ever since humans began walking the earth, people have knelt in humility, either to their leaders or their Gods.  […]

Running the Race (series)

Hebrews encourages to run the race marked out for us. God has given us a path to follow. In this series of eight messages we will examine some of the unique moments in Paul’s journey from salvation to apostle. There are lessons here to be learned that we can apply to our own spiritual journey […]

I Do Not Ask

I do not askThat you know my painFor my pain is my painTo be soothed and anointedBy my God. I do not askThat you know my burdenFor my burden is my burdenTo be lifted and carriedBy my savior. I do not askThat you walk in my shoesFor my shoes are my shoesUsed to walk a pathChosen by […]

Harverst (series)

Harvest! That time of year when we reap what has been sown. Where our hard work and God’s mercies intertwine to bring us into a time of bounty. This series of four messages speaks into this time of harvest and the richness of God’s grace. We will learn that the is a lot more to […]

The Words of My Mouth

Precious FatherIn these times of turbulenceWhere vitriolic hateAnd rhetoric of viper’s tongueSeek to sway strugglingSouls and broken spirits,Please grant my humble request.May I never spout opinion as truthInuendo as factRumor as prophecyOratory as realityOr speculation as principle.May the words that flow from lipsBe the words that you have branded on my heart.“Let the words of […]

The Lord’s Prayer (series)

The Lord’s prayer is Christ’s example to us on how to pray. Most of us recite the prayer in our worship services on Sunday morning but it is easy for us to lose meaning in the repetitive nature of our reciting. This series seeks to provide context and meaning behind the Lord’s prayer and we […]

Claiming Freedom (series)

Freedom is bought. It comes at great sacrifice. We enjoy freedom but often we don’t know what it truly means to be free. So many in the world want to define Christianity through a set of rules which to them, limits freedom. But that is truly not the case. There is really no greater freedom […]

Shift Your Weight

In a world wrought with sordid lies,And a plethora of alibiesChrystal illusions of compromiseWoven with threads ofSelf-infringementDisenfranchisementDisenchantment,DisentitlementAmongst the death throes of principalities,Political whitewash,And random bordersPainted with dust and sparkles.Where the ground crumbles and grumblesBeneath our weight,We find ourselves with one footPlanted on the earthThat lurches with every surgeOf public opinion and silver-tongued rhetoricSpoken by narcissistic […]

A Lesson from Snow

I stop to watch as falling snowDrifts for me, in chaotic flowEach flake unique, each flake aglowProgrammed chaos before my eyes. And then, as if its plannedEach bit finds purchase on the landOr in the trees to take a standStately beauty in disguise Amidst the wintry somber gaspsOf winter birds and forest snapsA crack of tree trunk […]

One More Time Around

The jangling musicWheezing from the pipesOf life’s calliopeWhile we ride astrideOur bounding, bouncy, bobbingSteeds of wood and steelEncourages our carrouselTo identify and signifyOne more trip around our starOne more chance toGrab the brass ring.One more chance toAddress our past.One more Chance toRight our perspective.One more chance toMake a difference. I say again,Make a difference. May […]

A Gospel Christmas

In this series of five messages, we will explore the different ways that the gospels approach the birth of Christ. Each approach is unique in its perspective but only by examining all four gospels are we able to glean a holistic vies of that moment when God chose to send His only son to earth […]

Salvation is a Messy Business

Salvation is a messy business.Forget about the tidy boxesOf rules and rituals.To follow Christ doesn’t meanStrapping a Bible to our backAnd pondering the universeFrom the comfortOf a cushioned pew.It is not three points and a poemWhere we pray, walk the aisleAnd get dunked, sprinkled and registered.We won’t find SalvationListening to droningExclamatory expositionsOf proper, passive, practical […]

The Dream Cantors

Beware the baseless pitch of Dream Cantors Masters of fiction And imperfection Whose fruit is sweet And roots drive deep Into wispy clouds of barren pastures Creeping vines of distraction That blanket trees And pretend to please Through empty offering And frivolous coffering Fruits devoid of satisfaction The half-truths of callous pols That sell us […]

Be Still and Heal

In grief,We stand on a precipiceAfraid to embrace the silence,Afraid that we will fall.For this, we create noise.Noise in our lives,Noise in our minds,Noise in our hearts,Believing that the noiseWill hold off the silenceAnd keep us from falling intoThe darkness of despairWhere all hope disappearsInto an eternal void.But that is all an illusion.The simple truth […]

Another Year Passes

Another year passes Another year gone Never look back It’s time to move on! Take what you you’ve learned Reach for the stars Gather your blessings And stretch out your arms Share what you have And share what you know Share all that matters And help others grow Lift those around you Raise them up […]

A Servant Heart

Jack was a fine Christian man with a servant’s heart and a love for all those around him.  Jack was the guy who was always there to help his neighbors when they needed him, served as an elder at his church, sang in the choir, attended community functions and served at the soup kitchen in […]


Unrequited Anger Erupts in violence. Like a steam engine With no release No valve to give it rest No work to ease the stress The steam and gases build Expand until the rivets… POP! Exploding parts and plates In every direction Without discretion And bring destruction To those in witness. So it is That anger […]

A Grateful Heart

I give thanks for the Memories             For they helped me to see the man I could be I give thanks for the Image of God             From clay I was formed, a soul being born I give thanks for the Spirit             My compass at night and my guide to what’s right I give […]

Our Guiding Star

Lost on a sea of ambivalence We have settled in the vast darkness, Bobbing anchorless on vast seas Devoid of Hope and filled with questioned prophecy. Smothered in a wintry woolen coat of Spanish Moss Masquerading as sullen clouds That devour the light and never sets it free. Obscuring the moon And hiding the stars […]