Year: 2022

Celebrate the Gift

Image by Greg Altmann CELEBRATE THE GIFT Celebrate! Not a flyweight of a date, But a free state Of liberation, The annotation of another year Marked by your creation date! May the lessons of years past Bring wisdom to years yet to come. May the friends that embrace you The love ones that grace you […]


Together we study the beauty and richness of Psalm 100. The author is believed to have been Moses. I feel a kinship with him as he tries to explain the awesome nature of God and why we worship Him with shouts and wonder. Although it is one of the shorter Psalms, it is so full […]


This series of messages is a continuation of our catalog “Campfire Tales.” We will look at the story of Cain and Abel as we seek to gain a deeper understanding of the lessons we glean from the pages. There are far more lessons here than the struggle between two brothers and the event of the […]


Sow for yourselves righteousness; reap steadfast love; break up your fallow ground, for it is the time to seek the Lord, that he may come and rain righteousness upon you. Hosea 10:12 HAND TO THE PLOW Jesus replied, “No one who puts a hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in […]


Jesus taught us to see the world through his eyes. He lived his life as an example of the way God wants us to live our lives. As Christians, the attributes expressed through the Beatitudes are engraved on our hearts and whispered in our souls. We are the hands and feet of Jesus to a […]


A CAMPFIRE TALE – Before the written word, people would gather around the campfire at night and listen to storytellers who reminded their tribes of their history and place within Creation. They would bring focus to humankind’s relationship with their Creator through stories and poems passed down, generation to generation. The book of Genesis, authored […]


This is our second series of messages on the parables of Jesus. Christ used parables to teach hard lessons with stories that could be understood and remembered. This series includes five often misunderstood parables but each one teaches us an important lesson. THE PARABLE OF THE WORKERS Matthew 20:1-16 VIDEO THE PARABLE OF BIRTH John […]


This series of sermons focus on things we don’t usually think about during the season of Lent. As we seek to honor God with our sacrifices, let us choose the things in our lives that keep us from drawing closer to God and then lay those things at the feet of Jesus. ANGER My dear […]