Precious Father
In these times of turbulence
Where vitriolic hate
And rhetoric of viper’s tongue
Seek to sway struggling
Souls and broken spirits,
Please grant my humble request.
May I never spout opinion as truth
Inuendo as fact
Rumor as prophecy
Oratory as reality
Or speculation as principle.
May the words that flow from lips
Be the words that you have branded on my heart.
“Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart,
be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.” *
Give me the spirit of truth
To deliver to your people
In a manner that is pleasing to you.
May the words that I speak strengthen your kingdom
And bring the truth of your presence
Into the lives of those searching for answers
In this fragmented world.
*Psalm 19:14
                                                                                    Rev Walt