I gaze with wonder upon the dawn
Red upon orange upon blue 
Passive pinks and magenta hues,
Sun peeking over the edge of the landscape
Painting the clouds with lavish iridescence
Moving my soul to awe and repentance.

I cannot pretend that I understand
The essence and wonder of our Creator,
His palette and brush beating in rhythm 
With my heart, mind, and spirit
As His masterpiece overwhelms me.

He washes the sky with primaries and pastels,
A festival of drenching dyes and undertones
That feed me to the depth of my soul.
Pigments and patterns that embrace me
In a symphony of blended magnificence. 

The common senses of
Taste, Touch, Smell, and Hearing,
Delivering an experience
Beyond the image captured by my eyes.
The cradled infant of creation strokes my soul.

I taste the burgundy wisps
As they transcend into the moan of amber glow.
The fragrant scent of Cyan as it
Melts into the pillows of hazy, lazy, crazy clouds,
Bathed in red and gilded with gold,
Kissed by a sun
Giving birth to a new and glorious day.

All my senses blend into a baptism of recreation,
Taking purchase as newness within my spirit, 
Contemplating, complimenting, completing
Balance within me, 

I strive to find a fulcrum
Beyond my corporal existence.
In prayer I acknowledge the intentional splendor
With awe and wonder.
Amazed I gaze into
A reflection of all that I am
And all I am called to be,
The spectrum of creation
Awakened within my essence.

I am made in the image of my Master,
Creator of all that is.
And without thought 
I allow and encourage
Him to move through me
Into this coming day.

Rev Walt