The alarm disturbs Our treasured sleep And we hit snooze Until it’s too late To participate. How frustrating it must be For Him to witness Our apathy. He worked for Three hard, long years To teach us how to live. He fed the hungry, Encouraged the meek, Healed the sick, Lifted the broken, Ate with the sinners, And raised the dead. Teaching the unteachable, Forgiving the unforgiveable, Loving the unlovable, Blessing the unblessable, Healing the unhealable He set the bar For how we should live life. He prayed, sang hymns Praised and worshipped. And just when we thought He had given all that He could give, He continued to feed us. He explained with patience And compassion. He stood toe to toe With Satan And beat back his minions And refused to compromise His values and His integrity. He washed our feet. And although He was our master He welcomed us to His table, Serving and annointing us, Bread of His body, Wine of His blood. He understood His purpose And He embraced it. He was beaten, broken, pierced, Mocked and ridiculed. He forgave his tormenters. He was nailed to a tree Suffocated, pierced, and bled. And then He died The death of a common criminal, A sacrifice for all. He was buried in a borrowed tomb. He rose from the dead After three days And became the stalwart bridge Between us and our Creator. How frustrating it must be For Him to witness That we can so casually Hit the snooze button on life When there is so much Still to be done. Rev Walt