SIXTY-SIX TIMES Sixty-six times around the sun Navigating orbits Sun, moon, stars The clockwork universe Ticking off the years, A blink in the eye of God. Blessed beyond measure By the lives that have intersected Crossed my orbit And shed light on my confusion. God’s grace empowering me To become that tool that He needs To be His hands and feet In a world so in need of Light, Love and Mercy. Sixty-six times around the sun Eccliptical, elliptical, cryptical Seasons of learning, joy, and pain Cyclical, optical, synoptical Spheres of influence, confluence And spiritual injections of Soul healing Interactions That bring me to point; This moment in time Where I With opened eyes Realize That each Tick of the universal clock is a blessing. Each joy is a blessing. Each moment of anguish is a blessing. Each lesson is a blessing As orbits converge And insights emerge Bringing light to the dark A clang of God’s hammer As He shapes me into His plowshare. Sixty-Six times around the sun. What a ride it continues to be! Rev Walt |