More often that I care to admit I find myself Dashing into shadows To conceal myself Amongst the debris Of the pain I have caused. It is not because I enjoy Shifting and rearranging The excrement of my life But more to hide my shameful face From my Master. Like Adam in the Garden And Jonah in the whale, I seek to flee the presence Of the one who gave me life. Once again, I have failed Him. Once again, I have nailed Him To the cross. I desire no forgiveness, For in my piteous state I deserve no forgiveness. But that is a human context And serves neither God nor man. “Forgive him, For He knows not what He does,” Come the words from above As blood washes over my head And leaves me cleansed. Proving once again that I am worthy Not because of who I am But because of who He is. Once renewed, I step into the light Leaving the refuse Of past failures and open regrets Behind… Laid carefully, intentionally At the foot of the Cross. Sweet Jesus, forgive me When I attempt to pick them up again. Rev Walt