Category: Single Sermons


“Conversations… That Never Happened.” Conversations that we might find in our halls of leadership today where people surround themselves with those who will make them look good, where people are hired and fired based on optics. Every time I hear one of these messages, I just want to shout, “Just like Jesus?” Jesus embraced the […]


What is Pentecost and why do we celebrate it? Is more than just the birthday of the Christian Church? Did the celebration of Pentecost exist before Peter stepped onto that balcony in Jerusalem to preach to thousands of people? How do we engage with the tongues of fire and the speaking in different languages? All […]


What are we talking about when we say that we are “Better Together”? Where do we find biblical truth in that and how can our lives reflect this principal?


In a world of chaos and turmoil, just what does it mean to be a father today? Traditional roles seem to have shifted. How do we find our way through the confusion?


What is Christ talking about when he explains no one puts new wine in old wine skins? How do we become new in Christ so that we can accept the wine he offers>


One of the most difficult things for most new Christians to embrace is the concept of the Trinity (God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit), three in one. This message seeks to address this idea in a way that is concise and understandable.


Through this message, we will be exploring the nature of Labor and how it fits into our lives as part of God’s plan. Labor is a gift from God to be nurtured and grown along with other spirituals gifts. Our labor is also a gift back to God as we use the tools that we […]

Sermons Non-Series

Sermons Non-Series Put Your Fingers Here We all have a little of Thomas in us. Let’s explore how we deal with ourunbelief. Living With Not Knowing Seeking answers on how to live each day, not knowing what tomorrow holds. Footprints We all leave footprints showing where we havebeen in life. Can other see footprints of […]


Wherever we go, even if we are careful hide where we have been, we still manage to leave footprints, signs, directions that will lead back to us. The question that we need to ask ourselves is what will people find when they follow our tracks? If they follow us long enough to catch up with […]


Doesn’t it just gnaw at your brain when you don’t know something that you think you should know? It is in our nature to feel like we have a right to all the answers. If they are readily available in our memory banks, we think we should be able to open a book or search […]


Disbelief and distrust is common in the world the inhabit. We struggle to know who we can trust when our senses deceive us. If we can’t see it, feel it, hear it, touch it, or smell it we are tempted to believe that it does not exist. And often, knowing that the air is invisible, […]