Category: Writing


All too often we ask God to provide us with what we think we need to accomplish the task he has set before us without realizing that he has already equipped us with everything we need. We just need to accept that what he chosen to bless us with are the very things that are […]


The Journey of a Christian is constantly taking us forward. We can only grow closer to Christ if we are willing to change, to be constantly working to allow God to move our orbit closer. Within that change are often steps, path changes, closing of old doors and the opening of new ones. Sometimes the […]


Each year, On this very day, You turn the page, And engage With your memories Of the year gone by Inked with your transgressions And your accomplishments. Your next step is into The unwritten year to come. A clean page Waiting to be written upon With the blood of your soul, And Pencil points of […]


From the Wise Men, to the Shepherds, to Mary and Joseph, to the Christ Child himself, everyone was involved in some kind of a journey to get to Bethlehem for the greatest moment in the history of the world. Each journey had its own hardships and each soul had their own story. Join me now […]


We can be a stiff-necked people. Sometimes we simply do not like the way God answers our prayers or we become reluctant to choose to embrace the people and events he leads us to. The first step in handling this kind of reluctance is to acknowledge that it exists and then stepping forward with faith, […]


After so long, what can Noah still teach us. Join me as we dig a little deeper into the story of Noah and see the hand of God at work and how the story of Noah relates to us today. God has blessed us with stories of those who came before us so that we […]


There are fruits of the Christian life that need to be cared for and grown until they become ripe. These fruits are often found in Christians that have worked in their spiritual orchids into the autumn of their lives, carefully caring for each tree and plant. In this series we will talk about some of […]


God is always sending us messages. Messages of all kinds. Our problem is that we often close our ears and our minds when those messages come to us. They may come in the shape of words, opportunities, wisdom from the past, or even in the events around us. It is our responsibility to listen and […]


Christ never pushes us away. With every moment of every day he wants us to come closer. It is our own limitations, prejudices, fear, and lack of desire that push back, telling him that we are not wanting a closer relationship. But the closer we come to Christ, the more we are able to reflect […]


What are we talking about when we say that we are “Better Together”? Where do we find biblical truth in that and how can our lives reflect this principal?


In a world of chaos and turmoil, just what does it mean to be a father today? Traditional roles seem to have shifted. How do we find our way through the confusion?


What is Christ talking about when he explains no one puts new wine in old wine skins? How do we become new in Christ so that we can accept the wine he offers>


One of the most difficult things for most new Christians to embrace is the concept of the Trinity (God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit), three in one. This message seeks to address this idea in a way that is concise and understandable.


In this series, “Path to Pentecost,” we will focus on days leading up to Pentecost and culminating in a message on Pentecost itself. The Holy Spirit is a gift from God to guide us through our days and be our constant connection to our Heavenly Father.


Easter is a season filled with colors, from the darkest of blues to the radiance of reds, all inspiring emotions and reminding us of the depth of the journey from the cross to the resurrection.


As Christians, we typically think about the season of Lent as the time that Christ spent in the desert for 40 days, culminating in his clash with satan. But as Jesus counters satan, he quotes from the Old Testament. Let’s look at those quotes we discover the Foundations of Lent.


Philemon is one of the shortest books in the Bible. It is a thank-you letter written by Paul to Philemon regarding Philemon’s servant Onesimus. Paul was in a prison cell somewhere in Rome and no one seemed to be able to find him. Philemon sent his servant, Onesimus, a man of dubious nature, to find out where Paul was in Rome so that Paul’s followers might minister to his needs. And he found him. And it changed his life. Through his developing relationship with Paul, he changed and became a loyal follower of Christ.


JACOB There are many people in the Bible that have left lasting legacies for us. Some were good. Some were bad. Adam left us the legacy of sin. Moses left us the Torah. Elijah left us a legacy of faith and Jeremiah a legacy of promise. The Apostles left us a legacy of discipleship and […]

Celebrate the Gift

Image by Greg Altmann CELEBRATE THE GIFT Celebrate! Not a flyweight of a date, But a free state Of liberation, The annotation of another year Marked by your creation date! May the lessons of years past Bring wisdom to years yet to come. May the friends that embrace you The love ones that grace you […]


Together we study the beauty and richness of Psalm 100. The author is believed to have been Moses. I feel a kinship with him as he tries to explain the awesome nature of God and why we worship Him with shouts and wonder. Although it is one of the shorter Psalms, it is so full […]