Jack was a fine Christian man with a servant’s heart and a love for all those around him. Jack was the guy who was always there to help his neighbors when they needed him, served as an elder at his church, sang in the choir, attended community functions and served at the soup kitchen in Thursdays. He found joy in his service. It made him complete.
Jack died and went to heaven and found himself standing before the pearly gates. Saint Peter was there to greet him and asked him the question he asked of all people wanting to enter heaven. “Why do you believe that you have a place here?”
“Well, Peter,” Jack Replied, “my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, died to cleanse me from my sins. He promised me a place here with him. I serve a risen savior. You should find my name in that book of yours. The name is Jack.”
Peter looked through the book of life for a few minutes and the suddenly smiled.
“You are so right, Jack. Here you are! Enter into the kingdom of God, oh good and faithful servant. Here is your starry crown and a long white robe just your size. When you enter these gates, just follow the street of gold to the top of the hill and you will find your mansion just to the right.”
With that, the gates began to open, and the glory of heaven lay before him. The wonder was truly beyond words.
But instead of entering the gates, Jack walked over to Peter and whispered, “I’m afraid there’s been a mistake, Saint Peter. I don’t need a starry crown or fancy robe. I don’t need a big house or streets of gold. Save that for the next guy.” With that Jack handed the robe and crown back to Peter and said “I don’t think you heard me correctly. I serve a risen savior. My work on earth may be finished but my work in heaven has just begun. If you will kindly point me to the servant’s entrance, I’d like to get started.”
It is next to impossible to change the spirit of a servant’s heart.