The unkempt man wearing a soiled and torn dark hoodie had just entered the restaurant door and was speaking with the young hostess stationed at her podium.
“Yes, mam,” he spoke quietly. “I am here to meet a friend. He is saving me a place at his table.”
“Can you tell me the name on the reservation?” replied the woman with a smile.
“I can tell you that, but first I want to tell you that I really shouldn’t be here. You see, I have really let my friend down. He has been such a wonderful friend and yet, I have gone out of my way to give him reasons not to trust me.”
The hostess appeared to be a little confused. This was really more information that she had time to listen to. But she patiently asked, “I understand, sir. But, I still need the name on the reservation in order to help you.”
“I understand that, and I don’t mean to waste your time,” said the man, “but I’m not really sure why I am here. I truly expect for my friend to turn me away. After all, he knows what I have done and I’m not really sure I can face him. You see, there are some really bad people that want to hurt him and make an example of him. They may even try to take his life. They gave me some money to point him out to them.”
“Sir, are you telling me that there is going to be an unpleasant altercation here in the restaurant? If that is so, then I need to ask you to leave immediately.”
“No, no, no mam. You misunderstand. This betrayal has already happened, and I have arranged for the people looking for my friend to wait until after we leave the restaurant.”
“Well, sir, I will still need the name on the reservation. And there had better not be any trouble.”
“I get that,” the man stammered “and I promise you that nothing will happen here. Still, my friend knows that I am a coward and a thief. He knows that I have taken money to betray him. You can see why I might be a little apprehensive about joining the group at the table.”
“Sir, I still need the name associated with the reservation. Do you know how many people are in your friend’s party?”
“Oh, sure. I’m sorry,” the man said apologetically. “I really don’t mean to be so flakey. I’m just nervous.”
“I can see that,” the hostess replied.
“The reservation should be under the name Jesus, and the number of people in the party is 7.5 billion. Wait! I see my friend. He is waving to me. It looks like he saved me a seat after all. Even after all I have done and will do, he has saved a place for me at his table. He loves me so very much in spite of all my shortcomings. Thank you so much for your help, mam. By the way, my friend will be picking up the check. I will go over and join him now.”
The hostess spoke as the man walked towards his friend’s table. “You are quite welcome, sir. Enjoy your dinner.” She could not help thinking what a strange little man she had been talking to. And she couldn’t help but wonder at the kindness, generosity and grace of his friend.
Rev Walt