Month: August 2024


Do we do good works to earn favor with God or do we do good works because we have an honest loving relationship with God and want to do what pleases him?                                     “Honesty in Our Motives”                            Rev Walt Wellborn The letter from James, the half-brother of Jesus, was written to the “twelve […]

Return to Me

“Return to Me” is the message reiterated throughout the Bible. It is a personal message to God’s children and it is a message that grows louder the farther we stray from him. He loves us so much that he provided a way through his son for us always to find our way back.


Let’s talk about justice for a few minutes as we engage with this message called: Rivers of Justice. Amos was a wise prophet constantly seeking justice for the less fortunate, a true champian of the underdog. Jesus fought for the underdog as well. How do we example this in our daily lives?


“Blown By the Wind.” That usually signifies to us that someone is flighty, a free spirit. And, unfortunately, we often have a negative resonse to such people. But maybe it might surprise you that God talks about this; about being blown by the spirit, given to listening to his voice above our own. Join me […]


Sometimes we feel that our choices are limited, and all the options available are not aligned with our core beliefs. That is often true because of the distractions of the world. If we take the time, we will discover that God will always reveal a path that is the right path, even if it is […]