Month: April 2021


Wherever we go, even if we are careful hide where we have been, we still manage to leave footprints, signs, directions that will lead back to us. The question that we need to ask ourselves is what will people find when they follow our tracks? If they follow us long enough to catch up with […]


Doesn’t it just gnaw at your brain when you don’t know something that you think you should know? It is in our nature to feel like we have a right to all the answers. If they are readily available in our memory banks, we think we should be able to open a book or search […]

I Place No Faith

I place no faith in days to come Those days that can’t be seen I place no faith in wealth or pride For those can cease to be I place no faith in the plans of men For man is dust to dust. I place no faith in the strength of steel For even metal […]

Dashing Into Shadows

More often that I care to admit I find myself Dashing into shadows To conceal myself Amongst the debris Of the pain I have caused. It is not because I enjoy Shifting and rearranging The excrement of my life But more to hide my shameful face From my Master. Like Adam in the Garden And […]

The Scent of Rain

Nothing does more To encourage hope In a despondent soul Than the fresh scent of rain. As the dirt, grime and impurities Of industry and corporate waste Are leached from the air And dragged to the earth By droplets and mist In an effort to erase The transgressions of humankind Propagated on the very garden […]


Disbelief and distrust is common in the world the inhabit. We struggle to know who we can trust when our senses deceive us. If we can’t see it, feel it, hear it, touch it, or smell it we are tempted to believe that it does not exist. And often, knowing that the air is invisible, […]


“Where’s the evidence?” I yelled to the wind. “Though you roar I can’t see you, Though you chill my skin I can’t taste you. I hear your whisper And I can’t find you.” “Can you see the breeze Or swaying of trees?” The wind replied. “Can you see the clouds Move and undulate Across the […]

Lessons from the Table

Lessons that we can learn from the table of our Lord to give us a deeper understanding of the gift of communion. Not one of the disciples came to the table with a clean spirit. They bickered and they fought. Their intentions were often selfish. But Jesus welcomed them to the table. He expects no […]

A Lesson from Judas

The unkempt man wearing a soiled and torn dark hoodie had just entered the restaurant door and was speaking with the young hostess stationed at her podium. “Yes, mam,” he spoke quietly.  “I am here to meet a friend.  He is saving me a place at his table.” “Can you tell me the name on […]