This is an exciting time in my life as I serve as Pastor of First Christian Church of Fort Stockton, TX. I am a commissioned minister with The Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in the Southwest Region. It seems my whole life has led me to this moment; that God has provided a toolset, support system, education, and a burning desire to lift this congregation of loving and dedicated followers of Christ.
Having spent 20 years in the theatre industry and then 20 years working in Information Technology, few people can say that they have been blessed to have experienced all that I have been graced to enjoy in life. I have taught, designed, built, programmed, maintained, developed, acted, directed, and trained. I have a passion for the arts and have written music, poetry, novels, and plays. My photography has given eyes to the world as I see it and I have met and worked with some of the most fascinating people on the planet. I am so blessed to have friends, companions, and associates around the world. I am a man of faith and grateful for all that God has given me. I am also very thankful that God allows me to learn something new each and every day. My daily goal is to lift those around me and help them in any way that I can as I strive to be the hands and feet of Jesus in a world divided.
I am a Certified John Maxwell Speaker, Trainer, and Coach, and a licensed insurance agent in the state of Texas. Striving to take all that I have learned and experienced, my goal is to use that knowledge and experience to bring each soul that I encounter closer to their Creator. Each and every day I struggle to be a better example of Jesus in the world than I was yesterday.
You can contact me through his email: walt@revwalt.org or by phone: 817-791-1068
If you wish to know more, you can check out these links:
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/wwellborn/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/walter.wellborn/
First Christian Church of Fort Stockton: https://FCCFS.org
Images by Rev. Walt: https://www.facebook.com/WaltsanPhotography
Rev. Walt Music: https://music.revwalt.org